Our Mission

Welcome to Endo Vitality, a non-profit organization that puts a gentle arm around those who are battling with mild to severe period discomfort. We are here to support, educate, and uplift our endometriosis community. We believe in the power of sustainability and wellness, and we're here to help those who are in need of financial assistance with endometriosis surgery. We do this by hosting several fundraising events throughout the year, with the aim of providing relief and reducing the stress associated with post-medical bills and recovery costs. Our commitment is to ensure that no one has to fight this battle alone or bear the financial burden without support.

Part of our mission at Endo Vitality extends beyond the individual, reaching out to women's family shelters by collecting menstrual supplies. For every portable heating pad you purchase from our website, we give back to the community by donating one to a local women's family shelter. We believe in the power of natural, supportive products and aim to provide them to those who need them most. When you make a purchase from our website, we give 5% of the profits to our fundraisers. The remaining funds are used for operating expenses, ensuring that we can continue our mission and keep giving back.

At Endo Vitality, we believe that knowledge is power. We provide education on endometriosis and other reproductive health conditions to age-appropriate teens and adults in local schools. We want the world to know about these conditions that affect 190 million individuals worldwide. Our aim is to inspire a change in the narrative, to raise awareness, and to advocate for our endometriosis community. We believe in the strength of our community and are committed to its upliftment.

We envision a world where individuals with endometriosis and other chronic reproductive issues are encouraged to live a beautiful, balanced lifestyle. We're fostering a community of education, opportunities, and high-quality products. If you feel inspired by our mission at Endo Vitality and want to get involved, we would love to hear from you. Please contact us using the contact page on our website. You can also learn more about our mission, stay updated with our work, and donate to our cause through our fundraiser campaigns on our Facebook page, My Endo Vitality, and other social media platforms. Every bit of support counts and together, we can make a difference.